China's Outbound Non-Financial

China’s Outbound Non-Financial Investment Increases. About a week ago, the Ministry of Commerce issued a press release stating that the value of China’s non-financial Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) increased 16.7% year-on-year in 2023 to 916.99 billion yuan. This growth rate slowed from the 18.4% increase observed between January and November 2023.

ODI increased 11.4% in US dollar terms to 130.13 billion US dollars, lower than the 12.7% increase from January to November. China’s non-financial ODI in BRI member countries increased to 224.09 billion yuan in 2023, or an increase of 28.4%.

China’s Outbound Non-Financial Investment Increases. While the value of newly signed contracts increased 9.5% to 1.86 trillion yuan, turnover of foreign contracted projects during the year increased 8.8% year-on-year to 1.13 trillion yuan.

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